Sweet Potato-Apple Soup This is the time of year when I start making foods that are a little heavier ~ it’s something about the way I nest ~ fall = hearty in my mind. I have a thing for sweet potatoes {they are full of nutrients} and apples which are especially delicious right now. Combine […]

Sweet Potato-Apple Soup ~ Smooth, Creamy and Delicious

Homemade English Muffins
Hello again..this is Pamela from Flower Patch Farmhouse. It is that time of year! Colorful leaves are fluttering on a cool Autumn breeze, chipmunks are scurrying to get the last of the acorns stashed for winter and I get the urge to bake. They say it is a natural physiological response to crave carbs […]

Strawberry Applesauce
My girls adore applesauce and I can barely keep it in the house! I buy big jars of it and it’s gone in a heartbeat! But the best kind, and the kind they love the most, is good old-fashioned homemade applesauce. Have you ever made it? It is ridiculously easy and it is fun to […]

Labor Day Salad Recipes
It’s hard to believe that Labor Day is just around the corner! I’ve rounded up some great Labor Day salad recipes from some of my favorite foodie bloggers. Here’s eight delicious – and unique – recipes for pasta salad, coleslaw, potato salad and more! Cinnamon Apple Potato Salad from Amanda’s Cookin’ BLT Potato […]

Super Easy Canteloupe Sorbet
This summer my daughter gave me her ice cream maker because she wasn’t using it. I’ve had so much fun making ice cream and sorbet and can’t believe how easy it is. I haven’t had homemade ice cream since I was a kid and it seemed like we had to wait forever for it to […]

Strawberry Cream Pie
Don’t you love summer fruit? While the apple and pumpkin flavors that come out in fall are lovely, nothing really compares to the gorgeous colors and flavors of summer fruits like peaches, plums, cherries, and strawberries. Recently, I had tons of strawberries hanging around so I looked up some recipes and made a delicious strawberry […]

Slow Cooker Caramel Dip
Today I’m excited to share with you a happy experiment gone right: Slow Cooker Caramel! It is delicious and easy! Read on to find out how to make your own caramel dip in your slow cooker! I am a hot dog person but I married a hamburger person. It works out […]

Creamy Fruit Salad
Creamy Fruit Salad Hello Live Creatively Inspired readers, It’s Michele back again from Shelstring to share a new family favorite food with you that is healthy and enjoyable…a great combination, right?! One of the children asked me to start making more fresh fruit salads. During the summer months with all the farmer’s […]

Bacon Wrapped Chicken
Let me just tell you that we had this for dinner the other night and it was ah-mazing! What was even better than the food was that I didn’t even have to cook, our oldest daughter did. Want the recipes? BACON WRAPPED CHICKEN: Recipe found on Yummly Ingredients 2 boneless skinless […]

Easy-to-Make Red, White and Blue Beverages
Cheers to the Red, White and Blue! Bring on some fun with these easy to make Red, White & Blue Layered Beverages. When layering drinks no matter what the color combination you want to choose them by varying levels of sugar content. The higher the sugar the more the beverage will sink. […]