Easy Peasy Green Enchiladas

Easy Peasy Green Enchiladas

green enchilada cassarole

I love cooking, however, sometimes I just need a quick and easy dinner that I can whip up and make less mess. A spiced up dish like my green chile cheeseburgers,  or these green enchiladas just hits the spot.  It’s one of those great dishes that my family loves, and I can throw together in no time, with ingredients that I generally have on hand.

You can vary this up, by rolling into flour tortillas, but I make it casserole style, making it even easier.



  • 1 – 1 1/2 lbs ground beef browned and seasoned to taste
  • 1 (10 3/4 oz) can of cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 (6 oz) can of diced green chiles
  • 1 small pkg of corn tortillas
  • 1 – 1 1/2 cups mild to med cheddar cheese.  Cheeses can be mixed or even completely replaced with a Mexican cheese or Jack.  The amount used is preference only  my family likes lots of cheese, but less can be used



Preheat oven to 350.  Mix meat, soup, and green chillies together.  Take corn tortillas and fry or bake them to make them crispy.  This step can be skipped by using a corn chip you prefer.  I like the flavor of home-made corn tortilla chips.   Lay the corn chips in a layer in the bottom of the pan. place meat mixture in a layer over the chips.  My preference is to place all of my mixture over the chips.  Cover with cheese, and another layer of chips.  If you like, smaller layers alternating ingredients, make this dish interesting in appearance, but the flavor is about the same. Cover and place in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until bubbly.

Green enchilada Cassarole




By browning the ground beef prior to mixing, the only purpose of placing in the oven is to melt the cheese, and meld the flavors together somewhat.



 green enchilada cassarole

Serve with any Mexican side dishes and condiments.  So super easy!

If you are making these as rolled individual enchiladas, this step isn’t necessary, and everything can be mixed and rolled into your tortillas that have been softened in oil.  Corn tortillas are brittle if not softened first and will crack when rolled.

Love Y’all!


About Tammy Killough

I'm a stay at home wife and mother of four. I began my career in the medical field, but art kept calling me back. I love art of all forms, and wish to inspire this love in everyone I encounter. My hope is that I will teach something or inspired something in everyone I meet.

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