Fall Decorating Ideas Under $5

Fall Decorating Ideas Under $5

Next to Christmas, Fall is my favorite decorating season. And since I like to save most of my decorating pennies for Christmas decor, I tend to keep a tight budget when autumn rolls around. It’s actually pretty easy to decorate for fall without spending a lot of money, so today I’m sharing fall decorating ideas for under $5.

Fall Decorating Ideas via Town and Country LivingA simple vignette on the dining buffet cost just pennies. I first decided on a neutral color scheme to get my brain fired up for fall decorating ideas and then shopped my house for items that would fit the scheme. I had the brown-tinted glass jar on hand, along with the ironstone platter. The dried roses from my daughter’s wedding were just the right shade of color for this vignette. A couple fake eggs repeat the neutral palette. The Baby Boo (ie the miniature white pumpkin) cost me just 50 cents.


Collection of white gourds and Baby Boos for fall decorating via Town and Country LivingEach of these little white gourds were 50 cents each from a local farmer’s market. Every year they have the best selection of pumpkins and gourds with unique shapes and colors.  I love using white ironstone to display the white gourds. For me, it’s the perfect decorating transition from summer into fall.


Fall Decorating Ideas on a Budget via Town and Country LivingI kept my large, white ironstone pitcher on the dining buffet since the color was right, and added a Baby Boo with a bit of yellow in it. I recently made the paper garland hanging on the mirror. I thought it would add a pretty touch to the neutral color scheme. It didn’t cost me anything because I had all the materials on hand – I’ll be sharing the tutorial at my Town and Country Living blog in the next week or two.


Wheat in a glass milk bottle via Town and Country LivingAnother budget friendly fall decorating idea is to use natural elements from outside. I found lots of stray, decorative grasses alongside the country roads and cut a few stalks to use as an arrangement in this little glass milk bottle. Again, it didn’t cost a thing!


Spaghetti Squash used as Fall Decor via Town and Country LivingI hauled Summer Squash from my garden into the house since it reminds me of white pumpkins. I stuffed them in a little rustic crate I had on hand. I can keep the squash in the house for about a month before it starts to go bad. I used some of the squash to make Spaghetti Squash with Tomato Basil sauce.


Fall Decorating Ideas on a Budget via Town and Country LivingI paired the crate and squash with a vintage mirror from the flea market that I hadn’t hung yet, and added a scrap of leftover landscape burlap for added texture.  Another book page garland adds additional texture and visual interest. Coming up with fall decorating ideas on a budget can be easy if you scope your house for items you can re-use. The only thing I spent money on in these photos were the small gourds and Baby Boos – all for under $5. An added bonus is that I’ll be able to transition them into my Halloween decor.

You can see more Fall Decorating Ideas on my blog!

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  1. Thanks for all the wonderful tips and ideas!
    I wish creativity came naturally to me!



  1. […] incorporating natural elements from the outside with items you already have in your home. Today at Live Creatively Inspired I’m sharing budget friendly fall decorating ideas. You may be surprised how easy it is to […]

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