Little Bit of Honey Sign

Little Bit of Honey Sign

At a recent farm market event, my daughter was tempted to buy a cute Honey 4 Sale sign she saw, but I talked her out of it by promising to make one for her. I started with a plain old wooden cutting board that I bought at Goodwill for one dollar.

I started by painting the cutting board a special mix of Paris Gray and Louis Blue chalk paint from Annie Sloan. A light white wash came next, and I rubbed about half of that off with a rag.
I found a bee’s nest along with some bee graphics at Graphics Fairy.
I printed text using the Brittanic Bold font in Word.
Using a Mod Podge transfer method, I applied the graphics to the piece of painted wood. Finally, I distressed it with sand paper and added a final coat of clear wax to protect it.
To hang the sign, I cut a strip from an old coffee bean sack to hang the sign.
Two holes were drilled at the top and I tied small bows after feeding it through.
Before giving it to my daughter, I took a picture of it hanging on my porch. 
I may have to make another one for myself!
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  1. Love the sign. I have yet to use the mod podge transfer method. I need to give it a whirl soon. I love the chairs too, I want to find some of those.
    Pamela @ recently posted…Comment on Extend Your Garden Season with a DIY Greenhouse by PamelaMy Profile

  2. I love the look and feel of this sign! Complete with that farm pillow, a perfect combination!! 😉
    Michele recently posted…{Home-ology}-Summer Home Tour SeriesMy Profile

  3. That is too cute! Love it!
    Karen Ploransky @ The Decorated Nest recently posted…Packing, Painting, and DIYMy Profile

  4. This sign is aDORable Jennifer! Love it!!
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