Mouse Trap Organizers

Mouse Trap Organizers

Okay y’all…I’m probably the most DISorganized person anyone will ever meet.  My mind goes int one direction.  What ever I’m doing at the time…that’s it.  I have no skills when it comes to this sort of thing.  Like the little sign in my post says…”I’m too busy to be organized”.  I didn’t say Importatnt…just busy.  So, when I DO get a little organizational…it’s crazy excitement time in my house.  Every little bit helps…right?

I must have some sense of placement when it comes to my keys.  For one thing…have you priced those things?  You can’t just run out to the local hardware store and have one made for you any more.  These electronic keys, are WAY expensive to replace.

This little mousetrap organizer might help…but it’s cute for hanging little notes and artwork too.  Cheap easy and something that makes life a tiny bit easier.  I’m in!


Mouse Trap Organizers


See that adorable artwork on my sign?  Thanks Jude! 😀

Mouse traps are really cheap…and you can find them anywhere.  I’m not going to go into a modge podge lessen…most of us have seen those!


Mouse Trap Organizers


But, I will say.  I removed the top portion of the trap…that you set, so that I could place a hook there.  This little piece comes out really easily.  and a small screw in hook goes in pretty easy too.


Mouse Trap Organizers

I forgot to do that before I modge podged my traps…but it doesn’t show after placing the hook.

Mouse Trap Organizers


I found some small round sticky back magnets for these.  This little bag of magnets might have cost me $2.00, so with the buck something that the new traps cost me…these might have cost me $2-$3 each.


Mouse Trap Organizers

Besides a screwdriver or pair of pliers, these require no tools…so even kid friendly.  Hey, what a cute gift for someone kinda small, to make for Dad!


Mouse Trap Organizers

See…even the back doesn’t have to be pretty.  Good thing huh?

Mouse Trap Organizers

You could used some bright paper, masculine, kid friendly, teacher….anything.  I love typography.


Mouse Trap Organizers

If you really wanted to get ambitious…you could attach a little roll of adding machine paper and a pencil to it.  I’m not!  But I love the idea!


Mouse Trap Organizers


These are at the camper holding pot holders.  The uses are seriously never ending!

What are you using yours for?  I can’t wait to see!


Mouse Trap Organizers


rose sig



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New header with roses

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About Tammy Killough

I'm a stay at home wife and mother of four. I began my career in the medical field, but art kept calling me back. I love art of all forms, and wish to inspire this love in everyone I encounter. My hope is that I will teach something or inspired something in everyone I meet.

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  1. Would NEVER have thought of this. Brilliant!

  2. What a great idea, Tammy! Love how you decoupaged it with old book pages!
    Jennifer @ Town and Country Living recently posted…Crazy for Wall Clocks ~ Humpdays with HouzzMy Profile

  3. I love this, Tammy! Such an awesome idea. 🙂
    Mary Beth @ Cupcakes and Crinoline recently posted…Red, White and Blue Confetti PopperMy Profile

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