Music and Moss Egg Stands

Music and Moss Egg Stands

My favorite season is spring.  Easter is usually a signal that spring is definitely here.  When my kids were young, I just adored Easter!  Now that I have grandkids…I love it even more!  It’s so much fun to watch them scamper about the yard in search of all the Easter eggs.  One of the dishes we always had on Easter, no matter what else was served, was deviled eggs.  ( Have you seen this recipe for avocado and cilantro deviled eggs?)  That’s a great twist on an old tradition.  If you serve your eggs boiled or poached…here’s a really simple way to dress up the way you serve them.

Hymnals always look good, but they especially go with Easter!  I combined music and moss to get these darling egg stands to dress up my eggs!

Music and Moss Egg Stands

They would go pretty good with my DIY Moss Bird’s Nest that I did for my readers on Deja Vue Designs today! 

These things cost nest to nothing to make, and they really do look gorgeous with eggs.

Take an empty paper towel roll and cut it to the height you like.  Mine are about 4″, but this is by taste.

Music and moss Egg stands

Now take some scrapbook paper or old hymnal pages, and cut them long enough to extend past the ends of your cut roll by a little….just so you can tuck them in and make them look neat, and wide enough to go around your roll.  (I have an old hymnal, and I chose some Easter hymns for mine)

Using spray adhesive lightly spray your sheets, and begin to wrap them around your roll.

Music and moss Egg stands

Take care to place them like you want, there may be no turning back once you’ve touched them to the roll.

Music and moss Egg stands

Yes….all that gross-ness, is from touching the sphagnum moss with spray adhesive on my hands.  If you don’t mind wearing it for a while, continue on.  If this lovely addition to your manicure isn’t your style, you might want to wear gloves…but I can’t work in gloves….so, my hands look like this quite frequently!

Continue rolling your sheet music around your cardboard, taking care to tuck the ends into the roll.

Music and moss Egg stands

Now take a small bit of sphagnum moss and spray it with the adhesive.  You could use hot glue here…or even on the paper if you like.  I was already using the adhesive for my nests, so I just continued with that.  Start placing your moss around the center of the music…all the way around, adding extras here and there for a pop.  I used some other types of moss, and some sticks.

Music and moss Egg stands

Once I was satisfied, I tied a cute little jute ribbon around the moss, to further secure it and add a little dress to the egg stand.

Music and moss Egg stands

I think the jute, moss and sphagnum go perfectly together.

Music and moss Egg stands

Now, don’t you want to make some egg stands to serve your eggs on?

rose sig      


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About Tammy Killough

I'm a stay at home wife and mother of four. I began my career in the medical field, but art kept calling me back. I love art of all forms, and wish to inspire this love in everyone I encounter. My hope is that I will teach something or inspired something in everyone I meet.

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  1. So pretty but so easy! My kids could even help! Thanks for sharing!
    jenny recently posted…Lemon Cream Cookie Cups–Easter DessertMy Profile

  2. These are really cute, Tammy!

  3. Thank you. I had a lot of fun making them! 😀
    Tammy Killough recently posted…Red Twig/ Mason Jar LuminaryMy Profile

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