Open Shelving Ideas for the Kitchen

Open Shelving Ideas for the Kitchen

Hi Everyone! It’s Jennifer here from Town and Country Living. Today I’m sharing open shelving ideas for the kitchen. I have several open shelves in my kitchen, which I love. But first I want to share some inspiration from Houzz, which lets you embed photos from their site. How cool is that? It makes it so much easier to share a variety of decorating ideas with you!  Click on any of the photos or captions to go to the source on Houzz.

Such a clean, pretty kitchen! Note the fancy corbels that are used to support the shelves here. You could easily add color in this kitchen by placing colored dishes like Fiesta or Lu Ray on the shelves.

If you prefer a cleaner, modern look, consider floating shelves like these pretty bamboo ones.
Added bonus … they’re eco-friendly!!
A super easy way to add open shelving is simply to remove the doors on your cabinets!
Check out these industrial shelves created with pipe supports. Unique and creative!
In my farmhouse kitchen, I have 2 styles of open shelves. Over my sideboard, I have two stock shelves from Michael’s, placed side by side. They’re painted Ultra White Kitchen Cabinet paint (cabinet paint is more resistant and makes them easier to clean!)
Open Shelving in Farmhouse Kitchen
 Stock Shelving in Farmhouse Kitchen by Town and Country Living
I also have simple shelving created with pre-cut wood from Lowe’s and stock brackets. Both shelves like this cost a total of approximately $60. An economical way to add a visual punch. And yes, I do use the ironstone that’s on the shelves.  These shelves are also painted with cabinet paint.
Open-Shelving-in-a-Farmhouse-Kitchen (1)
 Open Shelving in a Farmhouse Kitchen by Town and Country Living
Open Shelving in Kitchen
 Open Shelving in a Farmhouse Kitchen by Town and Country Living
If you’ve thought of adding open shelving to your kitchen but are a little fearful, try removing a couple kitchen cabinet doors to see if you like the look. If not, you can always put the doors back on! 
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  1. […] Now head on over to Live Creatively Inspired for even more open shelving ideas in the kitchen! […]

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