How to Rust Technique for a DIY 3-D Star

How to Rust Technique for a DIY 3-D Star

Rust Technique

 I love old rusty crap…don’t y’all?  Isn’t it just the greatest?  I’ve been rusting stuff…well…for as long as I can remember…and if you’ve never done it…oh you’re missing out on a really easy technique.  See the stars in my pictures?  You can see how to make those cute little DIY Cardboard Stars, over at Deja Vue Designs…I’m showing how to do that over there today! 😀


These stars are really fun. If done right…they will look just like really rusty metal.

I use these cool products.  You used to be able to get them at all the craft stores…now, it’s a bit harder to find…but it’s still around.


Mine….are really old.  In fact, when I opened the “iron” bottle…it had all but dried out.  I had to scrape it out of the bottom, and re-wet it with water.  This worked to my advantage, because it left flakies all over my star…and I didn’t fight it.  I LOVE the texture in the rust.


Paint a coat…maybe two or three of the iron paint.  In my case…because it was so thick and clumpy…I only needed on good coat.

Let that dry…and paint the rust paint on it.  I just kind of dab mine on…so that it tends to run into the creases, kinda naturally.


You can see it beginning to turn to rust…almost immediately. 

You may want to add more coats of this too…just depends on the amount of rust you want.  I personally like to see some of the metal.


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About Tammy Killough

I'm a stay at home wife and mother of four. I began my career in the medical field, but art kept calling me back. I love art of all forms, and wish to inspire this love in everyone I encounter. My hope is that I will teach something or inspired something in everyone I meet.

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  1. Tammy, this looks fabulous!! I think this is one of my most favorite DIY projects you’ve posted. LOVE this!!

    • Awe…Thanks Jennifer! It’s one of mine too. Recycle, Upcycle, Rusty, and Decorative….yep…fits all my needs. If you like it…it’s gotta be goo! Thanks again Jennifer! 😀

  2. Hi there. I just LOVE these stars but what if we cannot find those paints to make it rustic Y. Any ideas? Maybe a rustic colour spray paint with some texture of some sort? Hmmmm

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