Wear White with Confidence

Wear White with Confidence

tips on wearing white, what to wear under white

With the Spring season just around the corner, I’m starting to get excited about wearing white again. I know that Stacy and Clinton say that you can wear white year round, but not wearing white after Labor Day is just understood down here in Texas. Anyway, I got to reminiscing…

{cue dream cloud and harp }

Once upon a time, I was getting dressed to meet a friend at the movie theater.  I rapidly changed into some white capris and hurried to my destination.  As I rushed past a couple of ladies, I heard, “Why do people do that?”  I had this feeling that they were talking about me.  I assumed my being in a hurry offended them in some way.

I don’t remember the movie, nor which friend I was meeting that day, but I do remember the horror I felt when I finally got home that evening and saw about what those ladies were complaining.   In my quick clothes change earlier that day, I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I was wearing bright floral panties.  My face turned about two shades of bright floral pink. 😉

Oprah had taught me better.  I knew that when wearing white, you should wear tan, nude or soft pink undergarments.  Any other color will show through your white clothing.  Needless to say, I now pay much closer attention when I’m planning to wear white.


You’re laughing with me, right?

See you in class,

Mrs. Hines

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