Absolutely the Easiest Way to Cook Corn on the Cob

Absolutely the Easiest Way to Cook Corn on the Cob

Corn on the Cob


Have you ever done something the hard way for years…and then discovered something so simple, that you just can’t believe it took so long to figure it out?  That’s EXACTLY what happened with our family…and corn on the cob, which by the way…goes great with this Perfect Sweet Tea!

Living on a farm our entire lives, has meant “putting up” vegetables, canning and freezing everything we grew in the garden.  Corn was no exception.  But…we haven’t really EVER found a super good way to preserve it.  There are tried and true ways of preserving almost every fruit and vegetable you can think of.  But, we have never been content with our “put up” corn on the cob.   So…we mostly, just eat it fresh.  I must admit, it’s on of our favorite side dishes.

Over the years, as you have probably experienced, we struggled with the stupid strings…or hairs on the corn.  It’s just a pain in the you know what to get them all off.  We would sit the kids down in the back yard, and everyone would peel the husks…and tediously pick and pull off the hairs, so that I could boil the corn.


Easy Cooked Corn on the Cob

I really don’t remember how or when we discovered this awesome technique….but BOY, am I ever glad we did!  Actually…I can’t say we, Dave did.  Cooking corn on the cob was forever changed in our household…and it will probably be yours too!


The cool secret that he discovered…is that, cooking this freshly picked corn on the cob….couldn’t get any easier!

This is what we do…and don’t fall over from how easy it is! 

  • Warm up your grill to med heat.
  • Once it’s nice and preheated….place your corn on it….husks and ALL!! Yes…cook it, completely in tact!


Easy Cooked Corn on the Cob


  • You will let it cook for approximately 15 minutes total, turning about midway through…so about 7 minutes.


Easy Cooked Corn on the Cob


  • Serve it just like the picture above.  The husks will keep the heat in better.


Easy Cooked Corn on the Cob


Once you’re ready to eat them, peel back the husks, add some butter, salt & pepper and ENJOY!!  There might be a hair or two left…but they just pull right off.  No more digging and picking to get them!

I promise….this is ABSOLUTELY the easiest way you’ll EVER cook corn on the cob again!


Love Y’all!



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About Tammy Killough

I'm a stay at home wife and mother of four. I began my career in the medical field, but art kept calling me back. I love art of all forms, and wish to inspire this love in everyone I encounter. My hope is that I will teach something or inspired something in everyone I meet.

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  1. Sounds tasty! You can also cook it in the microwave–put an ear, unshucked, in for 4 minutes. Take out, cut off the base of the cob, grasp the top with the silks (with a hot pad or heavy glove) and squeeze out the ear. Tada!

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