“October’s Party” Printable

“October’s Party” Printable

I first read this verse from George Cooper’s poem, “October’s Party,” ‘lo these many years ago, and each fall, as I see the leaves start their brilliantly colored twirling, it comes to mind. I decided to make a printable this year, and then, because I liked both backgrounds, I thought I’d included links to print either. Each time I walk past, the thought of leaves at a party brings a smile to my face. Cedar-ChaosServedDailyChalkboard-ChaosServedDaily

Simply click on the image below to download it…and enjoy!


These are an 11×14 format, and I printed mine at Costco for about $3 for just the print. You can also get it printed on posterboard for around ten dollars, if you don’t plan to frame it, or just want a posterboard. They would also print as an 5×7 or 8×10 without losing anything.

I’m Megan from Chaos Served Daily, and you can find lots more printables, along with delicious recipes, fun and easy crafts, and tales of the general chaos of Army family life at my blog. You can also follow me on Pinterest or Facebook…I’d love for you to stop by and say hi!


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  1. I LOVE this Megan! There is a boutique store near my house called October Gave a Party and until now, I had no idea it was poetic. Learn something new everyday.
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