Add a Garden Fountain to Your Yard

Add a Garden Fountain to Your Yard

This is the summer I’m doing it! I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and it’s time to bite the bullet and get ‘er done! I hereby vow to add a garden fountain to my yard this summer. Our home and garden are dotted with perennials and a sea of impatiens takes over each year. While the yard looks pretty, it lacks an element … the soothing sound of running water. I work at a water gardening company so it makes even more sense that I add this little luxury to the landscape. A variety of styles is available so it might be hard to choose just one. Here are just a few samples that I like.  (All images courtesy of Aquascape Inc.)

This trio of rock fountains is a clever way to greet visitors coming to the front door. So refreshing!


Bubbling Urn Garden FountainI’m lovin’ this little bubbling urn. It’s just the right size to tuck anywhere in the garden.

Doesn’t this look like the perfect summer picture?


Stacked Slate Garden FountainThis little urn looks like stacked slate. I’ll bet the birds would love to use this as a bird bath!  I love the way the garden fountain is settled atop river rock. And the little tree stump fencing is just too cute!  Someone just put all of this in my yard, please!


Man in a Barrel FountainSome people might think this man in a barrel is kinda creepy, but I absolutely adore it! I can totally see this in my yard. What do you think … is he a Yay or a Nay?


Rustic Urn Garden FountainIsn’t this one beautiful? I love its rusticity. The driftwood placed above the worn and weary urn really adds to the whole vignette.


Blue Greek Urn Garden FountainA classic Greek urn garden fountain would look great in any yard.


Natural wooden bowl recirculating fountainThis garden fountain is one-of-a=kind and belongs to someone I know. I can’t remember where they found this real wood bowl, but they turned it into an amazing water feature, don’t you think?

So many beautiful choices!

Hubby and I have contracted an electrician to add an outlet on the exterior of our home. Since our house is 140 years old, there are no outdoor outlets, except the one in the shed.  Once we have that installed, I can make my dream of adding a garden fountain to the yard a reality.

Which one would you choose for your yard?

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Town and Country Living

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  1. I can’t wait to see what you pick! I personally chuckled when I saw the man in the tub! I think he’s awesome! I know what you mean about having a water feature in the yard. There is something so soothing about hearing the water. My hubby and I have taken on the task building a small pond….whew! Lots of work but I think it will be so worth it! Have a great day!!~~Angela
    Angela recently posted…Plaster of Paris flowers–Nicole’s skirt fix!!My Profile

  2. Love the man in a barrel! He is just awsome. But he isn’t the only one I like. Can’t wait to see the one you choose

  3. A water fountain has long been on my wish list, and like you, I’m determined to make it happen this year.
    Sharon recently posted…beauty secrets: how to fix broken powderMy Profile

  4. My favourite is the trio of rock fountains in the first picture. Not sure about the man in the barrel – I’d have to go with creepy on that one!

  5. Yes that face in the fountain is very freaky! I would love to have a fountain in my garden, maybe one out the front so people can hear the water as they come up the front path. Iv heard theyre also good for blocking out noise from the street like cars etc.

  6. I had a fountain at my last home…thanks for sharing these ideas…maybe I’ll get around to getting another one built…I sure do miss mine! ~Tammy
    Tammy Killough recently posted…Door with a planter box sinkMy Profile

  7. Water features add so much to a garden. I love the one with the urn!! So rustic and old looking.


  8. i have a 3 tiered fountain in my garden–that man in tub fountain–so funny!
    lynn recently posted…this and that…My Profile

  9. Perfect timing. I’m so glad I found this today. My mom is actually in the middle of choosing a fountain for her back yard. Easier said than done, right? Can’t wait to see what you decide. I really like the cobalt blue one. 😉
    Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio recently posted…Tips on decorating a Teen’s Room…Go Bold or Go HomeMy Profile

  10. I’m surprised that so many of these fountains have water that falls onto the surrounding ground. While that sort of fountain would probably create too much moisture for my yard, I’m sure it would be great for yards with moss or other water-loving plants. I think that my favorite out of the bunch you displayed is the pouring urn fountain; it looks so rustic! Thanks for sharing.


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